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June 26, 2017


This past weekend was a rough one for crabs, but a good on for Shipwrecked Seafood. Just as the hard crab run was starting back up in full force, high winds kept most of Crisfield's crabbers on dry land Friday and Saturday. Those that did go out over the past few days lost much of their catch before it even made it to the dock. Dropping barometric pressure from the leftovers of tropical storm Cindy caused the freshly caught crabs to die quickly. Despite all of this, we managed to maintain stock throughout the weekend.

We also had a special visitor. Ms. Debbie Gates, a reporter with the Daily Times stopped by to do an interview. The story appears in today's business section of the paper as well as online. The link is here if you'd like to check it out. And congratulations to our new customer Matt who showed up in time to get his picture and a quote in the article!

Just a note, we will be open through Monday the 3rd this coming weekend so that you have more days to eat crabs over the holiday weekend.

Rough for Crabs, but not for us: News
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