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June 23, 2017


The parking lot continues to get windier. We have lost another two canopy tents to wind damage this month, both labeled heavy duty, so we're upgrading. We are bringing along a newly built wooden tent, made in the style of an old time carnival game booth! Drive by and check it out.

In crab news, the second hard crab run of the season is starting up today in Crisfield. With the warm winter and prolonged spring we've had, the first hard crab run was early and the peeler run has been long. It seems things are going to switch back around just in time for July 4th! Prices usually go up for the holiday weekend and a scarce supply would have caused an even higher spike.

I leave you with the picture above, a beautiful view of Crisfield City Dock, where great crabs can be found all summer long.

June Update: News
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