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August 14, 2017


This Saturday we felt as if we were in the middle of a monsoon. Water started forming rivers to the parking lot as you can see in the picture. What a wet one for the Eastern Shore! When the weather forcaster said morning showers he apparently meant thunderstorms with heavy downpours ;). Fortunately we had just bought a new tent on the way over and put it over the trailer to protect it from filling up with water. Crabs like to be wet, but fresh water kills them.

Before I deliver the great news, I have some sad news too. We will no longer be at our stand in Berlin. Our only recently built wooden stand will be coming down shortly and the flags will fly no longer. After a weekend of no Friday or Saturday Sales and little on Sunday last month, we moved over to the Ocean Pines Farmers Market on Saturdays with the intention of continuing in Berlin on Sundays. The weather didn't cooperate though and stock got scarce. Sorry Berlin, it just didn't work out, but we won't forget where we got our start. It's been fun!
So the good news: we've picked up our second farmers market. On Sunday's, starting weekend after this one coming, we will be making a long drive up the road to Olney, MD for their morning market. It will be a six hour round trip, but hopefully we will have enough sales to make up for all the gas. If it's anything like Ocean Pines, we'll do okay.

Great News Following a Great Downpour: News
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